How To Start A Fire In The Wild: 7 Best Techniques 您所在的位置:网站首页 fire starting How To Start A Fire In The Wild: 7 Best Techniques

How To Start A Fire In The Wild: 7 Best Techniques

2023-04-03 09:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Fire is a chemical reaction that occurs after certain conditions have been met. Fire is born when heat, tinder, and oxygen are fused. It happens because of combustion.

Where there is oxygen, a fire can be created when fuel is heated to the igniting temperature. Fire can be used for many things, so it’s definitely essential.

On the other hand, when it’s out of sight, fire is a ferocious enemy. People have always held fire in gratitude for what it gives and what it might take away. Now, before you start a fire, you need to take careful precautions.

Certain precautions must be taken into account before starting a fire. If you want to start a fire in the woods, on a campground, or in your backyard, various steps must be taken for each case.

If you start a fire in the forests, you must select a place that follows these basic requirements.

If you start a fire on campgrounds, make sure you start a fire in the permitted areas.If the campground has fire pits, use the pits to fuel your fire.The region you select should be free from overhead threats such as tree branches.You could also clean up the field with dry leaves or something else that may quickly catch fire.You should avoid lighting a fire on a road populated by wild animals.And avoid picking a place where there is a lot of wildlife like moss, deer, mountain lions, and bears because your fire could attract danger. Try not using brittle rocks such as sandstone or limestone for your fire pit, as they can combust or burst.

Here are some extra fire safety precautions I take:

Ensure your fire is controllable.Always have an emergency backup to stop the spread of the fire (soil or water nearby)Keep kids and pets away from the fire.Never leave a fire unattended.Make sure you put a fire out correctly (moisten and broken apart)

Here are some official guidelines recommendations, but my guidelines are very safe and best for most case scenarios.

Now that you know basic safety precautions, your next step should be to learn how to make a tinder.

Tinder is any substance that is extremely flammable and can quickly catch fire from sparks or heat. When you start a fire, tinder is your base. Useful tinder types can be found in nature, made at home, or commercial tinders can be used. Examples of tinder items include:

Pine tree needlesRiver Birch – River Birch contains resin (natural oils), which can light up fast and make the fire burn longer.Cattail – A part of the cattail may be bent such that the fibers are released into a small nest. Cattail catches fire easily, so it’s nice to use anytime you want to start a fire quickly.Dry Thistle – Like a cattail, a thistle can very quickly catch onto flames.Cedar bark – Crush the cedar bark into smaller pieces to make it light up.Fatwood – This stuff comes from a pine tree stub. Often known as Maya sticks, you should cut the shavings down from these sticks to use as tinder because this is probably the best wood you’re going to find.Dried leaves, straw, thistle, etc.Dry orange peels, potato chips, corn chips, tree barkDry grass






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